She tried to kill herself....thats the title of the painting below....

(A 'provoked' state of mind)

Shawshank Redemption, It's a wonderful life, Schindler’s list, La Bamba, Sunset Boulevard, City of Gods… you know what is common with all of them. Well, will sound very unlike-me, but I dropped a tear for each of those movies. Actually the list would have been a little longer if I could have thought for a little while more. But seriously, don’t wanna depress myself all over again. Well, now add Provoked. Ah, shit…hated the movie cos of Aishwarya Rai, but couldn’t help not write about it.

It’s a mad mad world sometimes. Very cunning, very disturbing, disgusting and profoundly depressing. The whole concept seems to shake the insides of anybody. I mean, c’mon, how the fuck can anyone actually beat another person for some fucked up reason like booze. The idea deludes me, misses me…..blinds me.

Cruelty is not new, I presume. Rationally speaking, its quite relative. Hitler is right is my world, but you might think laterally. But, your own wife…. The mother of your children. Someone you love, or at least respect. Its sickening, its abhorring, its repulsing, its nauseating, it’s a bloody fucking-mother fucking shame. A scar on an institution called marriage and love. Somewhere in the middle east, they torture people by stoning them. Guess, people like Deepak Ahluwalia should be getting the same damn fate somewhere in hell. Rotting like a dead insect. Putrefying in his own puke.

Anyways, guess I should apologize for the intense words I used. Right now, I’m biting under my teeth, formulating ways to calm myself down. Hated writing this piece, but think anger’s sometimes good for self-emulating the sadness.

12th May, 2007. 3.45 A.M. Just finished watching “Provoked”.

Was listening to: “Mad World” by Gary Jules.


Anonymous said...

what a wonderful life ????
are u sure....
are u talking about frank capra's- it's a wonderful life

Sensational Android said...

well, sorry anonymous. i made the required change...well, yes, i was talking abt frank capra's "its a wonderful life". thanks for findin the mistake. and can i ask, who r u??

Anonymous said...

well..u wldnt know me by any just another guy who stumbled upon ur blog ...
and i also happened to watch 'its a wonderful life'( one of the best movies ive seen) wanted to know whether u were talkin abt the same movie ...
newayz.....for curiositys sake... im aditya, currently pursuing my second year in bits pilani

Sensational Android said...

hey aditya...thanks for commenting. and yes, its a wonderful life is one good movie. so, how come u stumbled upon my blog...wats sop special. wt abt ur give the link...

Anonymous said...

ermm ,actually ..i happened to see ur frnds comment in one of my frnds blog and i saw ur comment in ur frnds blog ...whew..(u asked :|)..thts how ..i came across ur blog
and i pass time by readin blogs..
and i DONT blog..kinda weird i know....sloth is afterall a deadly sin :P

Sensational Android said...

haha..good one dude. couldnt help but ask where the connection was build. well, actually i was a sloth myself, still am really....but find a lot of time in hand and its kinda nice to blog and tell wats in my heart...try writing though...its an amazing feeling to let go of everythig u can...