poverty and terrorism

When resource is abundant
There is plenty of peace
Shortages lead to turmoil
Turmoil leads to war
War leads to poverty
Poverty leads to terrorism

When democracy is abundant
There is plenty of stability
Dictatorship leads to anarchy
Anarchy leads to war
War leads to poverty
Poverty leads to terrorism

When education is abundant
There is plenty of knowledge
Ignorance leads to conflicts
Conflicts lead to War
War leads to poverty
Poverty leads to terrorism

When peace is abundant
There is plenty of harmony
Bad leadership leads to chaos
Chaos leads to war
War leads to poverty
Poverty leads to terrorism

well the start is here....this week's music..

the start is always the toughest. u have absolutely no clue wat to write and wat to do.... plus, i think i am losin it on internet. i seriously didnt know wat to do here in blogspot.
well, lets see wat to talk.
first of all, blogspot.....kya pain hain be. it shud be more easy to use. its too damn difficult to use. it has just too many questions....i just copied and pasted from orkut and made the blog...
but the main reason to make my blog is to tell ppl abt wat all i listen and see. i love music...and have started listening to alternative rock like hell. i like the idea of underground music..and want to create a indian base. our rock scenario is just too awesome and can have a huge sucess..but it needs exposure. we r just too concerned about that stupid reshamiya...
i want ppl to see the underground rock and pop scenario of india. there r so many awesome bands that it will take ages for a man to learn indian rock. and thats where i want to come in and change the system......

well, that was not bad a start....next blog, i will discuss the music i discovered this week...so if u want it.....just knock on 245, godavari, iitmadras......im always ready to help u